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The final post

To be honest, this semester went by fairly quickly, and so did English classes​ (even though I missed a couple, oops) and I must say, I did enjoy them. This was my first and last semester (? of these classes, and I'm so glad I took them. Because in school, I never had classes like these, they were nothing compared with what we did this semester. We were always just reading or doing works that didn't seem to help us with english, instead this year I finally had the chance to speak english more often so I could improve in this, which I didn't have the opportunity to practice a lot in school, and I was shy about it. Writing the posts was also great, I really like writing and some times there were really interesting themes. But there are two special ones that I really enjoyed writing. The one about movies, and the one about dogs. What can I say? My absolutely two favorite things in the world.
The one about movies, because I never before wrote about movies, or why did I liked/enjoyed them, and it was nice to express myself about this. The one about dogs, 'cause honestly, how are you not gonna love writing about your favorite pets? It was nice to write about the dogs I had the pleasure to be with and to bring back good memories about them.
But, the post I liked the least and had more trouble to write(even hates a little, it's not your fault Simon haha), has to be the "Special Meal" one. I had a hard time thinking about which special meal I could write about, and I guess it's due to I never considered any meal special, or more important than others. Don't get me wrong, it's not like the meals I have are not fun and I don't enjoy them, but like I said I still don't have a favorite one, so it was really hard for me to start writing that post.

I didn't use to read a lot of blogs, only Monica's, so hers is my favorite one haha. Not only because of that, but because she's an amazing writer, so it makes it easier to read her posts. She sometimes goes overboard...but that's great! She enjoys writing, so what's better than doing it every Thursday of any mysterious subject?

So that's about it, I enjoyed this semester a lot, I'm so glad I got to speak english and to write in it. I'm still not​ 100% confident about it, but I improved a lot and I'm happy about it.


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Infinite 160116

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A family photo

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